Orlando Birbragher | U.S v. Birbragher — The Real Truth
Defendant Orlando Birbragher in the case of the United States v. Birbragher has pledged not guilty on the indictments that were allegedly put on him. Orlando claims that his work as the co-partner of the online pharmacy was under the circumstances that it is fair and legal. The count that CSA (Controlled Substance Act) has had is vague and would be difficult to interpret for a layman to understand.
Orlando Birbragher appeals to deny the motion on him to dismiss the indictment contesting the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) is unconstitutionally vague as applied to him. The Act was very unclear especially in terms of pharmacy activities being operated online. At the time Orlando Birbragher was involved in the pharmaceutical activities with his company Pharmacom, that is from 2003–2004, the laws that were in play were vague and are difficult for the common person, unaware of the laws.
Apart from the vagueness of laws which would be difficult to understand, Orlando Birbragher was detained by authorities without any notice or intimation that such case/indictment was being built against Orlando by the Government. Orlando Birbragher was also not given much time or space to prepare for his defense in the document-intensive case as he was detained and was not allowed to meet his attorney’s for more than the time allotted.
Even after all these difficulties, Orlando Birbragher was able to come out of this case victorious. He is now free of all charges and can conduct any business activity within the law, as permissible.